
We start a new path: we open a new anarchist local. The Anarchist Local «Motín» is the result of a lot of months of full effort and also a lot of years of ilussion. We had the need to have a place in the neighbourhood of Carabanchel to serve as a meeting and debate point, and also as a place to impulse new anarchist proyects and help the existing ones to consolidate.

This is a place that we´ll try, as much as we can, to mantain through time. We hope this place will reflect our firm long-term compromise of becoming an usefull infrastucture for fighting against the State and all types of authority. Its a place where we hold a library opened for everybody as a way of spreading our ideas, by putting them to work and debating them. A place where everyone can express their curiosity and/or doubts. A place where we can keep growing and learning fromoneanother with equality.

Alos, we hope being a support for other existing anarchist places, squatted or not, because all them reflect the diferent ways that the anarchist movement can be felt for giving diffusion to the different ways of fighting.

We are happy to see that in this short time, a lot of proyects and comrades have been helping us with mutual support and solidarity. That support makes this local an everyone’s proyect and make us feel that we are not the only ones who see its utility and necessity.

We thank you in advice and we hope to build an anachist place that can be used for fighting side by side with all you.